Group photo 2018
Group outing 2019 with Internship guest from Egypt
Christmas market 2019
Anil Kumar Singh
PhD project: Understanding and modulation of tumor-associated interactions of the base excision repair glycosylase hOGG1 in gene transcription

Dr. Disha Mohan Bangalore
PhD thesis: Single molecule studies of glycosylase interactions (2021)
Current address: Postdoctoral researcher in the group of Christian Häring, University of Würzburg

Dr. med. dent. Christian Mehringer
Medical doctoral thesis: Structural basis of DNA target site detection by DNA glycosylases
Current address: Zahnarztpraxis Dres. Hehn & Kollegen, Lauda-Königshofen

Sarah Kono
Bachelor thesis (Biochemistry): Single molecule studies to monitor the lesion search process of human AGT (2021)
Current address: Master student, University of Würzburg, Germany

Paula-Jyoti Makkar
Bachelor thesis (Biochemistry): Towards the structural characterization of UvrA recruitment to DNA alkyl lesions by ATL (2021)
Current address: Master student, University of Würzburg, Germany

Anja Droste
Master thesis (Biochemistry): Role of AAG in NER activation (2021)
Current address: PhD student, University of Würzburg, Germany

Jennifer Ivlev
Bachelor thesis (Biochemistry): Structural and functional investigations of the alkyltransferase-like protein (2019)
Current address: Research Associate, Octapharma Biopharmaceuticals GmbH, Heidelberg

Felicia Scheffel
Bachelor thesis (Applied Life Sciences, in collaboration with University of Applied Sciences, Kaiserslautern, Germany):
Mechanistic studies on the role of the T antigen-RPA interaction in replication initiation (2018)
Current address: Master student, University of Leipzig

Natascha Rill
Bachelor thesis (Biochemistry):
Single molecule studies of Alkyltransferase-like Protein Interactions (2018)

Katharina Passkowski
Bachelor thesis (Biochemistry):
AFM analysis if the SV40 large T antigen and its interaction with replication protein A and DNA (2018)
Current address: PhD student, University of Mainz, Germany

Angela Borst
Bachelor thesis (Biochemistry):
AFM characterization of SV40 large T antigen and its interactions with DNA (2017)
Current address: PhD student, University of Würzburg, Germany

Lisa Hirsch
Master thesis (Bioanalytics, in collaboration with University of Coburg, Germany)
Studies towards initial DNA lesion detection in base excision repair by atomic force microscopy (2017)

Steven Goebl
Bachelor thesis (Biochemistry):
Investigation of DNA interactions by the alkyltransferase-like protein with AFM and fluorescence microscopy (2016)

Jonas Gross
Bachelor thesis (Biology):
AFM analyses of DNA damage verification by the XPD/p44 complex of NER (2015)

Dr. Claudia Büchner
PhD thesis:
Single molecule studies of DNA excision repair processes (2015)
Current address: Global Project and Quality Manager at Fresenius Kabi AG, Germany

Nico Wirth
Bachelor thesis (Biology):
Structural and functional characterization of the UvrBC damage excision complex of nucleotide excision repair (2013)
Master in Technical Biology at the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik, IGB) and University of Stuttgart, Germany
Current address: PhD student at DTU Biosustain, The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, Lyngby, Denmark

Dr. Verena Grundler
Diplom (Master) thesis (Chemistry, joint project with Prof. Caroline Kisker):
Interaktionen der Nukleotid-Exzisions-DNA-Reparatur-Proteine Bax1 und XPB und Kristallisation von IGHMBP2 (2010)
PhD thesis at the Department of Chemistry, University of Basel, Switzerland (2014)
Current address: Deputy Head of Quality Assurance, PharmaZell, Switzerland

Dr. David Fronczek
Diplom (Master) thesis (Physics):
Integration of fluorescence and atomic force microscopy for single molecule studies of protein complexes (2009)
PhD thesis at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR) and University of Stuttgart, Germany (2015)
Current address: Physics and Biology Teacher (Referendariat), Rhön Gymnasium, Bad Neustadt, Germany